
Assam Place - Development branding and corporate identity

The development is located in the Aldgate area along Commercial Road. The area is a period of thriving regeneration with media and technology influences, yet is still very central within zone 1.

We decided that the brands would all work together to create a continuous and strong centralised identity. We felt that the commercial and student offering would be closely aligned and created a brand system which unified the environment.

There are a set of premium studios as well as a 18 floor tower available to students. The access runs through the commercial zone, so the identities need to work together.

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the client

Assam place is a new development created by the Aldgate Developments Limited. This is a partnership company formed from the Mace Group and a boutique developer, Alternative developments.

The Brief

Working from brownfield land in London E1, the development features both premium student accommodation, as well as a commercial offering based on a period Victorian warehouse conversion. The exclusive student offering covers every aspect of desirable student living and an optimal environment for study and social activities. With students looking for more than the average halls of residence, they are able to customise their environment to match their individual requirements. Due to a deliberate move away from “party and beers” culture, the development branding needs to appeal to well off international, American and Asian students. Firedog’s brief was to create a strong brand that communicates the unique benefits of the development, creating the perception that this development is more premium and desirable than the competitors.

The Solution

Industry research revealed that many of the brands operating in this space focused on fun, care-free student experiences. We created a series of development brand identities that deliberately moved in a more premium direction. We developed two brands for the student offering: LIVE1 for the premium offer and Assam Studios for the limited edition studios. Together with a commercial brand, Fabricca, these brands formed the development branding of Assam Place. We are responsible for the full brand remit, from strategy and naming through to brand and visual identities for all development components. The premium brand look and feel appeals to both authentic and refined tastes. The brand names deliberately avoid any over the top monikers, rather rooting the brands in the history of the area. This was greatly inspired from the Fabbrica component which comprises a massive Victorian brewery and distillery warehouse from the nineteenth century. We developed all websites and print materials, appealing to a wide remit from students and parents to commercial tenants and property agents.

The Results

The Assam Studio offer has already been fully leased off plan and the bookings are rolling in for the LIVE1 tower. Assam Place opened fully for business in September 2013. We continue to support the brand family, developing events collateral, digital media, social publicity, integrated communications and advertising.